By funtoosh_DIARIES - November 08, 2018

For so long the society had caged the humans...defining how to dress,talk,walk,present ourself,roles to undertake,or career path to choose....
You are a girl more feminine...  Boys dont cry...   lady ...expected as good homemaker 
man...your are stronger...

Mute up these voices which for long caged you.....

But not any longer...!!
With my new blog post i would like to address the Breaking of the stereotypes ....

                       Smash  all these senseless stereotypes....
Just remember    >Humans are born free ....
                                           You live freee....DIe FReeee....

1.Toys and plays are meant to push ones flexiblility and creativity, and open up the possibilities and choices for them,whereas reinforcing stereotypes only narrow their horizons

1.emotional authenticity should be encouraged in males,so they nurture healthy and respectful relationships...
They shoulld be encouraged at young age to learn to express their feelings,for some only wear the mask of toughness while suffer silently inside..
In a study conducted,41 % men admitted to have felt pressuriresd to turn to viloence and aggression....also they were suppressed to express feelings like fright and sadness...
They have every right to feel whatever the way they want to..

Many have experienced a relationship failure ,within family friends,and spouses by lack of self expression and fear to be judged for their emotions...which resulted in lack of self esteem,extreme anxiety and depression..
In contrary those who maintained emotional ties with their close ones had better pshychological health....this is the language of emotion..

Dont have to act walnet  tough on the outside, for vulnerability is ones greatest strength...
For better intimacy with ones partner ,vulnerability plays a strength...
We gotta get rid of false concept that softness is weekness...infact it takes great courage to be vulnerable....

Are you only acting tough?how authenticate is that?

Life skills development like empathy tolerance,if taught in school curriculum could result in better psychological health of children and make them more confident grown ups...

When we defiine a male n female on basis on gender...
growing up without gender binary..
I m looking forward to a society without gender norm and age old reinforced stereotypes...
lets challenge the gender identities and gender norms
girl you gotta be more girly..hey boys dont cry,you gotta be tough...
Some girls just dont like playing barbie or  dress up ,n wanna you have a game in arm wrestling or football....
our sex doesnot have to define our gender identiity..
Lets not limit a childs' imagination creativity and scope for innovation by defining certain boundaries for them...
Our fashion n styling sense has nothing nothing to do with the gender we are born with...

I m deeply fascinated by the  movie ki n ka...kudos to the creative team behind.....
love the thought of free play...
 boys should explore n cherish their sweet caring n compassionate side....
gender roles is a really outdated phenomenon in todays world...makes me so overwhemled and happy that our world is progressing to more open mindedness....
Today there is nothing like mans job or womens arena...
source of income and share of housework is equally undertaken by both partners...

why do we have to define clothing,play tools for the genders

blonge long hair,dressed in beautiful pink..
we can take  this start by paying deaf ears to questions is it a boy or a girl...
Let us eradicate  the gender binary stigma from the society...
now lets talk about the equality....
in the society

. ki ka ..example

lets take one of most emopowering woman Gal Gadgot aka wonder woman as as example...As an achievement she has the a female superhero movie as the main protagogist...and break through the cynical male figure dominated superhero world ...

Kangana Ranaut from bollywood has shown to the world that woman can be more than romantic accompaniment in bollywood movies....which for long misguided us giving wrong notions of woman shown as submissive to men ....everytime male coming to her rescue....

2.break girl boy stereotype,,,

such movies are great example of society ending the long run gender based prejudices and getting more open minded and liberal...

3.wonder woman breaking stereotype...strong woman
4.male belly dancer ishan
5.freedom speech..bird..cage..handcuff..zanjeerenn
6.Our very own Susmita sen THe miss universe' is yet another ispiring example..

.....let us...Stand for our belives .....n
.....I have wings..

Lets Break through the conventions  and the defined boundaries..and Give  in  new wings to ourselves...

Serves a great example that self expression should not be limited to the gender...
He is great strength who chooses to be himself care not howoever the society responds...
For if you wont stand for yourself then who would???

Why restrict our boys to blue or black when you can be any spectrum of the Rainbow....

  Smash  the stereotypes....Unfollow the crowd and blaze your own path....
You are born free,you live free ...Die freeeee.......

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