Is it love or mere obsession

By funtoosh_DIARIES - March 15, 2019

                 How do you describe the feeling of   falling or being in Love?

Giving you the butterflies in the stomach, or brimming up  with excitement thinking 

of the special one

Giving you the butterflies in the stomach, or brimming up  with the excitement thinking 
of the special one

        When it comes to seeking love, we look out for the devoted committed and loyal partner

How do we define the LOVE?

With the subtle signs find out whether its the love or the obsession with the person you are attracted 
           However there is no sure shot test for the LOVE expect the TIME

is a healthy emotion, it grows deeper when you invest the time and energy to know each other and really understands on another at the deepest level.

Getting close too fast or speeding up the relationship without the investment of proper time to get to really know each other might confuse the deepest feeling of attraction for the love

Sometimes the  relationship are  built in the state of anxiety and insecurities 
Like the fear of rejection and encompassing emotional and spiritual vulnerabilities

Here are the subtle signs of the healthy love and unhealthy obsession

Care vs possession
Love is concern and care...
You respect the beliefs and individuality of the person

A healthy relationship  supports  your dreams and goals.
Also it does respect your independence

It is in  support of  the self actualization and  the best version of one another
The partners  support and motivate each other 

To build and emotional and
spiritual relationship the couple need 
to be vulnerable to one another and let in the person
to your inner self,
your vulnerabilities and the darkness

Spotting the Obsession mirroring the LOVE

In the beginning it may feel a lot like the love, making your heart race, or skip the beat and you think of nothing else except the one person
There is the physical need to be with that person every day every time

Your  complete focus is put on your partner and the relationship 
It may lead to the  repetitive thoughts, over analyzation of the situations and the obsession
These are the sign of  the unhealthy relationship

Also if  the relationship, if the motivation lies in pleasing the partner for approval,
It could be reflection of the issues of lack of self worthiness or self love

The Love  is considerate and thoughtful about the feelings of the partner
However the obsession treats the partner as the possession, and uses the control and  manipulation to make the things work in ones own favor 

It rather underlies the  need for the authority and  control of the obsessed partner in the relationship

Role of  healthy Communication  
Constant messaging, calls, no respect for space of other person and poking up with expectations or acting out in frustration and other irrational ways are the signs of unhealthy communication in a relationship

However a good communication is required for a healthy and sustainable relationship
Sometimes people may do things without awareness also
So speak up and communicate for your yourself and also the  sustainability and enrichment of a healthier relationship

In love you are honest about your real self
while in unhealthy relationship you agree to anything and can do everything to make the person stay in the relationship
which may include change in one appearance or behavior for attraction
The changes  just for pseudo attraction may not last long

Photo by Kat Yukawa o

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash
However when we are in a relationship, and spend most of our time with the person we love, we bound to have some influence on your behavior with or without awareness
There could be the positive change or the learning of the new ideas, concept and experiences

Signs of  Unhealthy relationship

Feelings of mistrust and negative feelings like jealousy, mistrust, anger and even paranoia develops in the relationship

Jealousy  develops when the partner spends time with the opposite sex friends
Obsessive partner may turn verbally or physically abusive too

With the time this emotion may grow deeper and develop into the obsession
Followed by multiple phone calls and texts
Eventually feeling equivalent to the suffocation
like the unanswered text leading to agitation

The toxic relationship

You are yourself responsible for your conditions and no one else


The concept of unconditional love is giving and appreciating ..
With expectations it becomes conditional
However in a toxic relationship, partners act irresponsible and hold other responsible for their conditions and actions irrespective of their own insecurities and weaknesses.

Other subtle signs of a toxic relationship
NOT respecting the individuality, interests and happiness of a person
blame games and guilt tactics are played to control the person
Attention is sought
The obsessive partner may play the guilt tactics on the other partner blaming the other person responsible for ones conditions ,like self harm and half hearted suicides performed to seek the attention
Use of drugs, alcohol, self harm and self destructive behavior become common.

They often dominates their beliefs and actions and becomes controlling which often leads to manipulation

When an obsessive relationship fails and ends, the feelings of depression rejection and lower self esteem evolves

This happens when you allow yourself to loose your identity in the relationship
You are unable to accept the end of the relationship
You believe you cant live without the other person and feel the world coming to an end
or you continue with stalking your ex

Photo by J carter from Pexels

However a good communication is required for a healthy and sustainable relationship
Sometimes people do things without awareness thoughtlessly also
So speak up and communicate for your yourself and for the sustainability and enrichment of a healthier relationship


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  1. Awesome mam... This will clear the difference between love and obsession. After reading I will get the awesome feeling of love ❤❤❤. Just pure and awesome writing mam.
