Dream Analysis

By funtoosh_DIARIES - April 17, 2019


Dreams - Illusion or Reality?

Sometimes they appear as our deepest darkest secrets or forbidden fantasies
sometimes as our worst nightmares
while sometimes our daily life problems, anxieties and stresses manifest in our dreams

What do you understand by the Dreams?

Imagery or audio visual sensations that one experiences during sleep

According to Sigmund Freud dreams are the window to  ones subconscious mind

Yet another theory believes that we make the sense of the random stimuli of awakening in our dream state. This is stated as the processing by the  subconscious mind

In yet another critically acclaimed movie Inside out, it is reflected that dreams are a phenomenon to organize  the thoughts and experiences of the previous day as the MEMORY

Another theory of Freud says that dreams are a way of people  to satisfy their deepest desires which are termed forbidden by the society

Dreamt of making out with a celebrity  or  walking naked in public or time with your ex?
It could be the result of your long suppression

IMPORTANCE of Dreaming

Dreams are important for ones mental and emotional well being

According some theories the processing of the emotions and thought processes occur in ones dreams

 Also dreams incorporate our memories

Ever happened that you go to bed with some problem in mind and wake up with a solution feeling even better with the arousal!!

Do you know that some of the worlds best inventions and EUREKA inspirations happened in the dreams with dreams serving as the seed for their creativity

The Einstein's theory of Relativity was an inspiration originated in dream

Assessment of the Dreams

So now we know that Dreams are the Reflection of our mind
Assessment and interpretations of our dreams could be beneficial for gaining insight into our mind for our true feelings, thoughts and motivations

This can benefit one in problem solving and even creativity

Also it can get us into the deeper understanding of our subconscious mind

Our nightmares are the reflection of our anxieties and deepest fears

Do you have a same dream over and over again or some common pattern associated with your dreams?
It could be signalizing the problem to be addressed

Unraveling the mystery of the dreams with the   DREAM  INTERPRETATION


Lucid dreaming is the brain state between REM state and being awake

It is the state in the dream when you know that you are dreaming
while lucid dreaming one can direct his own dreams
This can be beneficial while dealing with the nightmares

Theories say that dreams may be stored in our memory and can be recalled if we know how to access them
We dream most during the REM or the deepest stage of the sleep cycle
Waking up during the REM cycle, we have the most dream recollection

Keeping  a  Dream Journal

Just after you wake up pen down your dreams and feelings associated with the dream in a dream journal

Hypnosis is great technique for dream recollection

Dream interpretation
Each person has a unique dream interpretation for similar imagery or the symbols

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